Enter a magical ocean world with a a giant shark, a colossal ball-eating grouper, a breaching sperm whale, an electric moray eel, a shipwrecked lifeguard boat, a sprawling octopus with a surprise greeting, a massive treehouse (ok, that one isn’t very “oceany,” but it’s cool), and more!
See our live koi fish swim around waterfalls and a tug boat.
Seven Mile Island's premier family-oriented mini golf course. 19 unique holes all on one level . . . stroller friendly, wheelchair and walker accessible.
We specialize in private parties (birthdays, reunions, bachelor / bachelorette) and host various tournaments. Click below to contact us and follow us on social media for the latest events!
Thank you veterans - you get a discount. Refreshments available.
Like us and check in on Facebook . . . get a discount!
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2438 Dune Drive, Avalon, New Jersey 08202, United States
Call 610-357-1007 to arrange family reunions, tournaments, and outings
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